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Stay: Why I'm Still Here, A Spiritual Memoir by AmyLu RIley - book cover

What Can God Do with Your Unexpected Life?


Wasn’t it Paul who said he longed to go, but it was more necessary to stay?

AmyLu wanted God to show her what she needed to accomplish in this life so she could just do it and be free to go home. But God didn’t want a transaction. He wanted a restoration.

He wanted her to know his affection in a new way while she was yet in the land of the living. He wanted to restore her crushed spirit with his compassion and hold her head close to his chest, so she could hear that his very heart beats with love for her. He wanted to plant the seeds of life in her heart again, in soil that had died.

You’re invited into an intimate inner journey. Be encouraged by seeing how God took what looked like an ending and quietly made it into a new beginning.

Just like he wants to do for you.


Reader Video

In this video, author AmyLu Riley talks with Greg Allen about his experience reading her book Stay: Why I’m Still Here, A Spiritual Memoir. Greg was discouraged by the effects of Meniere’s Disease, when the book uplifted him and made a lasting positive impact on his faith. (God subsequently healed Greg.) 

Stay: Why I'm Still Here, a Spiritual Memoir by AmyLu Riley - book cover“It’s hard to put down.” – Greg Allen

“I found Stay difficult to put down. You were digging into places we wouldn’t know how to get to alone.

“It’s seasoned, resilient, and able to take on your issues.”

“Stay was not about answering questions, but rather helping people formulate their own questions with the help of an experienced guide. It’s almost like you’re saying, ‘Here’s my mirror; use it to reflect on your own life. It’s seasoned, resilient, and able to take on your issues.'”

“I always felt encouraged and lifted up.”

“Scripture was not used in a way that I felt weighted down by it; I always felt encouraged and lifted up by it. There were so many times you presented just the right passage—drawing from such varied story lines.”

“I always trusted you.”

“One of the biggest things I noticed—which I find rare—is that I always trusted you. I never felt like you were telling me anything that wasn’t totally real. That counts for so much to a reader.

Stay is art in pure form. Raw and real. …extremely useful for the reader as a way to get in touch with their own feelings. I appreciate that your approach is not prescriptive, but exploratory.”

“I felt like you’ve given me a very valuable tool for my journey.”

“You touched on things I need to hear and explore in my own life. I felt like you’ve given me a very valuable tool for my journey. I think it will be a great tool to be used by the Holy Spirit. I’m looking forward to reading it again—this time stopping to reflect on how God wants me to respond and draw closer to Him.” – Greg Allen

Stay: Why I'm Still Here, a Spiritual Memoir by AmyLu Riley - book cover

Stay ebook



“I can already think of several people I would like to share the book with.” – Danée Morel

“I have been reading your book. Thank you for your raw honesty. The world needs more of it. I need more of it. I can already think of several people I would like to share the book with.” – Danée Morel