Pray aloud:
God, I pray to break the stronghold of unbelief. I declare the truth that you do love the world, and your arm is not to short to save.
I declare that your love for your creation and your created ones has not decreased. I remember and know that you love me personally.
And I declare that your power has not diminished. Your arm was not longer in the past than it is today.
God, I know that you care what happens on the earth and you want to act through my faith. Make my own faith in you and in your goodness a larger conduit for your power.
Thank you for the power of your forgiveness through Jesus Christ to open and clear the channels between you and me. I turn my back on my sins, and I ask you to forgive me for them.
I believe that you will act through my faith, that with the way open between you and me, your power and compassion will come into and through me in ways that will change the world.
Come, God’s Kingdom. Be done, God’s will–on earth as it is in heaven.
Photo: Unsplash
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