So, there I was, caught in a double-bind—with the highest stakes I could imagine.
I had flipped to the end of the Bible to read Jesus’s letters to the churches, when his sad words to the church of Ephesus pierced my heart: You don’t love me as you once did.
Ow. His words hit a very sore spot, because my love for him had cooled, as well. And I didn’t like the implications of that reality. But I also couldn’t see a way out—because the reason for my hurt feelings was that I didn’t feel his love in the midst of my difficult life. How could I fix something about our relationship that, frankly, didn’t seem to be in my power to change?
I’ll come back to that in a minute.
Let’s talk about you.
How loved by God do you feel these days? Are you feeling that God is head over heels in love with you? Or more like there’s little chance you’ll ever feel that kind of love from God?
Has life got you backed into a corner, and it doesn’t feel like God is completely for you? Like his eye might be on the sparrow, but it sure hasn’t totally been on you?
I get it. Believe me, I get it.
And I think what I have to share with you next will come as very good news.
Because when I was stuck in the double-bind I told you about—not loving God as he deserves, because I wasn’t feeling the love I needed from him—I said the simplest, most impossible prayer imaginable.

And God answered it. He came crashing through walls that stood between us and he broke down strongholds of the enemy. He exposed lies that had been bonds around me, and they burned up in the light of truth.
And as a result, everything about our relationship—and my life—changed dramatically for the better.
I want that for you, too.
That’s why I put my story into the pages of Faith with Wings for you—not just to read—but to draw life from. It’s not just a book about what God did for one person. It reveals what God wants to do for every life—including yours.
Love—and freedom, and more life than you ever imagined—is waiting for you. Why wait one more day for that? Read Faith with Wings now.
As you read…
• Get free as God untangles the hidden lies in your way.
• Discover how God really feels about the healing you need.
• Watch yourself go from wary about God, to really trusting him.
• Find yourself loving God in a way that changes you.
• Be unleashed to fulfill your true destiny in the kingdom of God.
Your copy of Faith with Wings is waiting. Get it today.
Hi Amy Lu,
I stumbled upon your website as I was doing a little research while I looked up reviews on Agnes Sanford’s book(s). I have been reading her books along with other similar types of Bible based healing books.
Being one who has suffered with chronic illness has driven me to strive for answers from God.
Continuing to believe that God does not want us/me to suffer and that he will heal me.
In fact, in many ways he has. lt seems he has taken away my chronic pain a few days ago. I have to admit, there is fear even as I say that out loud, that it will come back and then what?
Today I trust in His goodness knowing that He only wants me to go from strength to strength having an abundance of peace, joy and wellness.
This comment is to share the connection that I feel with you already AND to thank you for your work! “Jesus as Healer” should arrive in the next few days. I look forward to reading it!
I’m so glad you are here! Agnes Sanford’s work is such a gift to the body of Christ!
I agree with you that God wants to heal, and that he wants to heal you.
The International Association of Healing Ministries offers a free booklet called How to Keep Your Healing that I found helpful. (They provide a link to the booklet when you register for Presence 2020 Online, which is also completely free and which I highly recommend. A replay event of Presence 2020 just started today and continues every day this month. Registration is at this address: .)
I was also strengthened and equipped by the testimony of Joanna Moody that after her miraculous healing from 14 years of chronic pain, the enemy did try to take her healing, but she had been told that if that happened, to tell the enemy, GET OUT. She said after about 2 weeks of her standing firm against his attempts, he stopped trying. I had similar experiences after receiving healings, and used her testimony and the Scriptures in the booklet I mentioned above.
God bless you, Marci! I hope you will join my email community at, and I hope you are strengthened by the Holy Spirit through what you have found here.