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It’s Time to Get Your Health Back

I remember the first time I read about the biblical concept of health—how the idea includes more than just the absence of sickness, and encompasses more than just the physical body. Health is a state of being whole.

In other words, health is more than just not being sick—it is the presence of a freedom and fullness of life that God gives. This is what Jesus was talking about when he said, A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10 HCSB).

Our enemy the devil is trying to take away our life and wholeness and freedom (see 1 Peter 5:8). Just one of the ways he does that is by sickness, which is an oppression of the devil, just like the Bible says in Acts 10:38. But the power of God is greater than the power of the adversary (see 1 John 4:4). The very good news of Jesus is that Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work (1 John 3:8; John 16:33), and when we became children of God, we received a commission to do the work of God’s kingdom, as well (see especially Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18; and John 13:12).

Two weeks ago, God worked so powerfully in my life through the International Association of Healing Ministries Presence 2020 Online conference. I wanted to share the free videos from that conference so that God can work powerfully through them for you, as well. I believe that as you watch, you can receive from God every kind of healing you need today, and I pray that you will.

Presence 2020 was so incredible that I’ve watched several of the presentations again, including those by Chris Gore and Michael Koulianos. They both, along with many others, ministered God’s Word so beautifully.

Here are some YouTube links you can use to access free videos of the Presence 2020 Online event:

I also wanted to let you know about another ministry that is presently providing free online healing ministry, (including the option to receive private prayer). Global Awakening, led by Dr. Randy Clark, is currently live on Monday and Thursday evenings at

Global Awakening’s free online events this spring have been used incredibly by God in my life. I believe God will work through them in your life, too, as you participate.

You’ll also see several books by Dr. Clark that I’ve read and recommend, at my Recommended Reading page.

I hope you will access the resources mentioned above. I trust that God will work through these ministers, videos, books, and songs—by his power—to make you whole.

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