Sozo means to save, deliver, and heal.
It’s what God knew that broken people in a fallen world would need. It’s why Jesus came.
It’s what the world needs now.

The Good News of Jesus has 3 parts. He came to sozo us–a word that means…
1) Save
2) Deliver
3) Heal.
The word sozo appears more than 100 times in the New Testament, and gives a full and accurate picture of the benefits Jesus offers you.
In Psalm 103, the prophet David encourages God’s people *not to forget* his benefits. But we can’t remember something if we never knew it!
Everything going on in the world right now points to our great need for saving, deliverance, and healing–for sozo.
How do we, as individuals, access this sozo of Jesus?
I’d like to share a few resources that I think Christ-followers may find useful to help move into action in ushering in the kingdom of God into a world that is groaning under the weight of evil.
Holy Spirit Unity by Bill Johnson (video)
I appreciate the perspective provided in this practical message. It is centered on the truth of Ephesians 6:12: “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.”
Johnson makes clear in this talk what everyone can do to gain victory against evil.
What the Bible Says About Racial Reconciliation by Craig S. Keener (video)
From Keener’s intro: “As an interracially married minister, ordained in an African-American denomination but currently president of the Evangelical Theological Society, I want to share some of what the Bible teaches about ethnic conflict and reconciliation. This is just an overview (what I can do in half an hour).”
Craig S. Keener is the author of Gift & Giver, a very helpful book about the Holy Spirit that I’ve listed on my Recommended Reading page. I have been so personally strengthened by Keener’s writing and speaking in many areas of life. I respect his humility and scholarship.
Finding a Way Forward – Sean & Krista Smith with Dr. Randy Clark (video)
From Global Awakening’s Facebook post introducing the interview: “We explore how God’s intention for racial unity has marked past revivals and how racism has quenched the move of the Spirit in Church history. As Christa puts it, God is raising up a Moses generation of deliverers. As you watch, ask the Lord to bring unity to His people, and to raise up deliverers.”
Sozo—to save, deliver, and heal—is mentioned more than 100 times in the New Testament. See it in action in the Scriptures, listed here.
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