2020 was a year of miracles, and I want to let you know some of what God did.

I received several physical healings from God in May 2020. I shared the spiritual journey leading up to those healings in my first four books, the newest of which was just published on April 1, 2020.
In spring 2020, healing conferences that had, up until that time, typically taken place only in person in various places around the globe began moving online. Through the screens in my home, God demonstrated to me with power that the good news of Jesus includes healing.
- It was during the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM) Presence 2020 online event in May 2020 that God completely healed me of significant food sensitivities. (This healing was confirmed by my medical doctor in July 2020). My testimony of that healing is online here, at the IAHM Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HealingMinistries/photos/a.542659825824949/3250822821675289

- It was during Global Awakening online healing events in June 2020 that God completely healed my adrenal glands and enzymes. (This healing was confirmed by my medical doctor in July 2020.)
I’ve given testimony about those healings here and here. This blog and my four nonfiction books share key parts of my faith journey.
Just days before I heard about the first of these online healing conferences, I had been in an intense spiritual battle regarding God’s identity and my own healing. I told God I needed him to win this spiritual battle for me. I was worn out from the fight.
A short time after that, in an unrelated online prayer training meeting with a small group of believers, where the subject of healing was not even the topic, I was chosen for an exercise in which we were to tell God something and then listen for his response. His response to me personally that night was, “I’ve had enough. I’m coming for you.” The trainer who was leading the exercise asked me if that resonated with me. It certainly did. I knew God meant that he had had enough of the spiritual obstacles to my healing, and that he was going to break through them and come for me. In that moment, that particular spiritual battle was broken. I didn’t know what or when or how, but I knew with certainty that God was coming to help me. And he did.
And, he is. God is not finished yet. I am still contending for 100% physical healing—for myself and for you and every one of my readers. I have a special attraction to the words all and every in the biblical accounts of Jesus healing, like these.
There is more, so much more. God did so many other miraculous things in 2020.
Among them, he has let me see how he has worked through some of the prayers I’ve prayed, and it makes me hungry to keep praying bold prayers—for others and for myself.
God has also allowed me to begin writing inspirational fiction. (You can get updates on that by signing up at amylu-riley.com/subscribe.)
Grateful and Expectant
As 2020 draws to a close, I am grateful for what God has already done, and expectant for what he is yet to do. My prayer is Kingdom of God, come. Will of God, be done. On earth as it is in Heaven.
Blessings for You
May the Kingdom of God come and the will of God be done in you in the days, weeks, and years to come.
We pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 NLT)
May the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all. (2 Thessalonians 3:16 NLT)
Photo credit: Unsplash
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